Veronica's profile

Birth Date
7/11/1982 (Cancer)
5' 6" (168 cm)
121 lbs (55 kg)
Eye Color
Hair Color
sales specialist
University (unfinished)
Russian Orthodox
Marital Status
Never married
Speaking Skills*
Other languages
Odessa, Ukraine
* The level of English
is evaluated by the Lady herself

Her Type of Man

There is always a mystery in such a description because you have some demands but what will he be like for you when you meet him? Will you understand it is him at once? No, maybe not… He will show it to you, he will be your gallant man, your tender admirer, he will show he acquires these traits and they will shine for you showing your common way. There is no need to make an exact portrait as it is funny). Anyway, I know something about him already). He is mature, he is loving and funny, he will be a good husband and father. I will feel his manly power as he will be strong and decisive, knowing what he wants in life and in relationship, ready for finding his love and striving to do so.


I have a bright temperament! I am bright in my emotions and in my skills! I am strong and I would always speak my mind out. I am humorous and my friends say that I dispose a contagious zest for life!) My enthusiasm and sparkling energy inspires others and sweeps them along). I enjoy being with another people, I mix well and make friends but not with anyone. I am a beautiful woman and strong-willed but delicate at the same time. It will be difficult to imagine all of me at once and what I will be like in relationship. Affectionate, playful, frolic, witty? This will be only our own world to explore and to inspire…


I like drawing; I didn’t learn professionally, I just have this natural skill. I like reading and exploring more about people lives and characters but I am not an open book for everyone). I like sport, I like shopping and I have my own elegant style. I think that every woman should look after her beauty and charm. I like going to cinemas and theatres… Maybe you feel like an artist now standing in front of the canvas ready to start a portrait). Maybe it will be the same for me when I have a look at your profile… I want to help you to make the first strokes) and then it will be for us to decide if we like to continue it, to find out more…